Understanding Your Lymphatic System, Pain, and Body Systems with Dr. Perry Nickelston
In this video, we explore the “Big 6 Lymph Routine” developed by Dr. Perry Nickelston, which focuses on stimulating the key lymphatic points in the body. For each…
4 min read
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ/Chapter 23
Jesus and Lamaas among the sudras and visyas. In Benares. Jesus becomes a pupil of Udraka. The lessons of Udraka. 1. Now, Jesus with his friend Lamaas went…
4 min read
Healing of the body through ASMAUL HUSNA
It has been discovered by Doctor Ibrahim Karim (Biologist) that the Asma ul Husna, most beautiful names of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’aala have healing powers to a large…
4 min read
Acupressure Chart
Shanzhong(CV 17 or REN 17)This point is located midway between thenipples. This point is usefulfor asthma, chestpain, breast pain, palpitation, acid reflux, indigestion, Neiguan (P 6)Turnyour hand over…
4 min read
The interrelationship between Tissue Salts and the Qualities of Tibb
Health is dependent on the correct balance of tissue salts, together with healthy lifestyle choices; these include: environmental air and breathing; food and drink; movement and rest; sleep…
4 min read