Acupressure Chart

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(CV 17 or REN 17)
This point is located midway between thenipples. This point is usefulfor asthma, chestpain, breast pain, palpitation, acid reflux, indigestion,

Neiguan (P 6)
Turnyour hand over sothat your palm is facing upt o the ceiling. Locate thecrease where your wrist andhand connect. This is the point located about threefingers breadth above that crease, and is midway between the two large bones in your arm. This point can help provide relief fornausea, anxiety, carpal tunnel syndrome, upset stomach, motion sickness, and headaches and is even usedfor regulation ofheart palpitations.

Zusanli (ST 36)
Find the point bymeasuring four fingerwidthsdown from the
bottom ofyour knee cap. Then, cut acrosstowards the outside of
your leg. You’llfind it about one finger breadth from the outer boundary of yourshin bone. If you are in the right place, a muscle should pop out as you move your footu p and down. You canfind this point useful for fatigue and
depression as well askneepain andgastrointestinal discomfort. This point isfrequently stimulatedfor health promotion and longevity.
Courtesy of EastW e s t MedicineU C L A

Taichong (LIV 3)
Youneed to take off yourshoe to find thispoint. It is located about two finger widthsabove theplace wheret h e skin of your big toe and next toe join. This is an excellent area ot stimulateforstress, low back pain, high blood pressure, limb pain, insomnia, and emotional upset.

Shousanli (LI 10)
Bend your arm 90 degrees at your elbow. This point islocated three fingersbelow the elbow crease on the outersurface of the forearm. This point isf o r neck andshoulderpain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, andtennis elbow.

Sanviniiao (SP 6)
Find the bony mound on the inside of your leg close to your ankle. From the top ofthisbump measurefour finger widthsu p your leg, and push at the area just slightly behind the leg bone. This point is formenstrual cramping, fatigue, insomnia, andmenopausal symptoms, such asnight sweats and hot flashes. Avoid duringpregnancy. and anxiety.

Hegu (LI 4)
This point is located at the highest spot of thenmuscle when

Xuehai (SP 10)
This point is located in the inner thigh, 3finger widths above the knee cap int h em u s c l e depression. This point is excellentf o r skin diseases, PMS, increasing blood circulation, knee pain, and irregular menstruation. the thumb and the index fingers are brought close
together. Thispoint isgoodfor stress, headaches, toothaches, facial pain, and neck pain. However, as a word ofprecaution, it can induce labor and must never be used during pregnancy.